June 1-7, 2008
SUNDAY, June 1
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Addiction & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Combating Co- Occurring Disorders
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. City Council: May 20
2:00 p.m. Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
3:51 p.m. Park Gazebos
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
6:30 p.m. Planning Commission: May 27
9:30 p.m. City Council: May 20
MONDAY, June 2
3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Snowbirds Air Show
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
9:00 a.m. Subdivision Committee: May 29
Noon 2008 Fayetteville Public Schools' Volunteer Banquet
1:30 p.m. Affordable "Green" Homes: Yes It's True
2:37 p.m. Arkansas Rock Art
3:40 p.m. B.G.O. Founders' Garden
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
6:30 p.m. Subdivision Committee: May 29
9:30 p.m. Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
11:21 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
12:03 a.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. David Lashley Park
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
11:00 a.m. Board Of Adjustments: June 2
Noon Noon @ FPL: Baseball Goes To The Movies
12:58 p.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
2:08 p.m. FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger 1482/76
3:25 p.m. South Pass Development Co.LLC Community Park
3:49 p.m. Bike To Work 2008
3:54 p.m. Park Gazebos
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. 2008 Fayetteville Public Schools' Volunteer Banqust
6:00 p.m. City Council-LIVE
10:00 p.m. Board Of Adjustment: June 2
11:00 p.m. Law Day 2008
12:03 a.m. Noon @ FPL: Tracing The History of Cookbooks
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
7:31 a.m. David Lashley Park
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. City Council: June 3
1:00 p.m. Law Day 2008
2:04 p.m. ICLEI Climate Conference: America Speaks: Envisioning Effective National Policy & Conference Closing
2:49 p.m. Noon @ FPL: The Secret Life of Tomatoes
3:56 p.m. Bike To Work 2008
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. David Lashley Park
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: June 3
10:30 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
10:42 p.m. Planning A Physically Active Community
11:42 p.m. 2008 Fayetteville Public Schools' Volunteer Banqust
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
9:00 a.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: June 2
10:30 a.m. FPL: Buffalo Creek Chronicles With Don House & Gary Lantz
10:32 a.m. Bike To Work 2008
10:37 a.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
10:49 a.m. Law Day 2008
12:53 p.m. Dale Messmer -- Make the Smart Choice
1:45 p.m. Planting Fayetteville: Daffodil Capital Of Northwest Arkansas
1:57 p.m. Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
2:57 p.m. Noon AT FPL: Plants Suited For Fayetteville With Jon Lindstrom
3:50 p.m. Park Gazebos
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Bike To Work 2008
4:35 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
5:06 p.m. Taking Back Our Trash. Putting Waste To Work
5:36 p.m. Multicultural History Mural
6:00 p.m. CAT Board-LIVE
7:00 p.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: June 2
8:30 p.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
10:30 p.m. Solid Waste & Recycling: Presentation By Brian Pugh
11:10 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Planning A Wedding Without Breaking The Bank.
11:57 p.m. Planting Fayetteville: Daffodil Capital Of Northwest Arkansas
12:09 p.m. Dale Messmer -- Make the Smart Choice
FRIDAY, June 6
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Medication Assisted Therapies Providing A Whole Patient Approach
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Grinders Skate Park
9:00 a.m. CAT Board: June 5
10:00 a.m. Solid Waste & Recycling: Presentation By Brian Pugh
10:40 a.m. Understanding Energy Consumption In Multi-Family Housing
11:54 a.m. Butterfield Trail Elementary: Trees are Terrific
12:17 p.m. Planning A Physically Active Community
1:17 p.m. David Lashley Park
1:46 p.m. Grinders Skate Park
2:14 p.m. Light Rail Transit System: Economic Development Opportunities
3:03 p.m. Tree Rings: Recorders of Fayetteville's Environmental History
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
6:40 p.m. Fayetteville Police Dept @ The Library
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View: Trails
8:23 p.m. Law Day 2008
9:27 p.m. Bike To Work 2008
9:32 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
9:44 p.m. Affordable "Green" Homes: Yes It's True
10:51 p.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Planning A Physically Active Community
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. David Lashley Park
9:00 a.m. City Council: June 3
1:00 p.m. Subdivision Committee: May 29
3:00 p.m. Board Of Adjustment: June 2
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. CAT Board: June 5
5:30 p.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: June 2
6:30 p.m. Dale Messmer -- Make the Smart Choice
7:22 p.m. Law Day 2008
8:26 p.m. Bike To Work 2008
8:31 p.m. David Lashley Park
9:00 p.m. Grinders Skate Park
9:28 p.m. Light Rail Transit System: Economic Development Opportunities
10:17 p.m. Affordable "Green" Homes: Yes It's True
11:24 p.m. FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Look for the updated program guide in the Cable Administration section at
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette says administrative takeover of Government Channel inappropriate
Replay of most recent Telecommunications Board meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. today at Cox Cable channel 16, known as City 16, in Fayetteville.
EDITORIALS : Shut up, she explained
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Edition
Posted on Saturday, May 31, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/adg/Editorial/227285/
LAYING DOWN fair rules for free
speech can cause government to
go bonkers. Such seems to be the case in Fayetteville, where the city administration has managed to shut down some public forums that have long had their place on the city’s Government Channel. A lot of the channel’s programming involves broadcasts of governmental meetings—a worthy undertaking in itself. But the channel has also produced public forums, in which members of the community discuss topics of interest that often involve controversy. After all, it’s Fayetteville, where a comment on the weather can start an argument.
What are some hot topics in Fayetteville these days ? Perhaps the future location of the high school. Or what’s going to become of the Walton Arts Center on Dickson Street.
Those subjects are getting a lot of talk in the papers, over the air, and in countless conversations in coffee shops and on street corners. But you won’t find them being discussed in forums on the Government Channel these days. The city’s would-be propaganda minister, Susan Thomas, has decided otherwise. The public forums have been dismantled.
Ms. Thomas’ actual title is public information officer. Right now she’s busy limiting public information. It seems she agrees with the latest word from the city attorney. Kit Williams has opined that the forums on the Government Channel might be an illegal use of the channel. So Susan Thomas now has a rationale for killing the forums. Or as she put it in pure doublespeak, she didn’t really cancel the forums. She just announced that planning them had been stopped. Another distinction without a difference. Censors have a million of ’em.
The decision bothered the chairman of the city’s Telecommunications Board, which was originally created to put a buffer between the channel and an overzealous city administration. Richard Drake, the board’s chairman, was stunned to hear that the city had stopped planning the forums—without checking with the board. There was no need, according to Susan Thomas. The city council, she said, makes policy decisions on matters like public forums.
Not so fast there, Ms. Thomas. Your decision to stop planning for the forums amounts to setting policy. Which is not your prerogative.
This is just the latest flare-up between the city’s administration and the Government Channel. Earlier, the city fired its cable administrator, Marvin Hilton, for reasons that have yet to be adequately explained. At the latest meeting of the Telecommunications Board, Ms. Thomas presented the administrator’s report that used to be given by Mr. Hilton. And she said she expected to continue giving the report at future meetings. The term for it is power grab.
What’s going on here ? Why the city administrator’s sudden interest in programming on the Government Channel ? And why, after all these years, are the public forums on the channel deemed illegal ? These issue forums have long been done remarkably well. They’re balanced. Every side is heard.
One suggestion has been to move the forums to the community access channel. That channel would probably do a good job on the forums. But there’s no requirement on the community access channel that all sides be heard. A producer could decide to leave out one or more of the sides. That would be a step down from the practice long used by the Government Channel.
The bigger concern is that the administration’s latest intrusions open the door to further meddling in programming on the Government Channel. Some future administration might be inclined to tamper with the policies even more. The programming could become just what it was designed not to be: a tool to put the current administration in the most favorable light.
Nancy Allen, an alderman, wants the city council to look into this flap over the Government Channel. It’s a good idea. Maybe the city council can get to the bottom of the administration’s growing interest in what can and cannot be said in public forums on the channel.
We’d especially like to hear something unequivocal from Dan Coody, the mayor. He’s notoriously touchy about public information that doesn’t come out the way he thinks it should. What’s his role in this flap ? Does he support undermining the independence of the Telecommunications Board ? And Susan Thomas’ fiddling with programming ? Good questions. Answers are needed.
The board also deserves to know where it stands with this administration. Does the board set policy for the Government Channel, or is the board just there to do the bidding of others—in this case, the city administration ?
The public forums on the Government Channel have been a good source of information about various topics of community interest. To undermine that success—for whatever reason—is a mistake. The city council needs to get to the bottom of this. Soon. Before silence becomes standard operating procedure. Even in once free-speaking Fayetteville.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com
EDITORIALS : Shut up, she explained
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Edition
Posted on Saturday, May 31, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/adg/Editorial/227285/
LAYING DOWN fair rules for free
speech can cause government to
go bonkers. Such seems to be the case in Fayetteville, where the city administration has managed to shut down some public forums that have long had their place on the city’s Government Channel. A lot of the channel’s programming involves broadcasts of governmental meetings—a worthy undertaking in itself. But the channel has also produced public forums, in which members of the community discuss topics of interest that often involve controversy. After all, it’s Fayetteville, where a comment on the weather can start an argument.
What are some hot topics in Fayetteville these days ? Perhaps the future location of the high school. Or what’s going to become of the Walton Arts Center on Dickson Street.
Those subjects are getting a lot of talk in the papers, over the air, and in countless conversations in coffee shops and on street corners. But you won’t find them being discussed in forums on the Government Channel these days. The city’s would-be propaganda minister, Susan Thomas, has decided otherwise. The public forums have been dismantled.
Ms. Thomas’ actual title is public information officer. Right now she’s busy limiting public information. It seems she agrees with the latest word from the city attorney. Kit Williams has opined that the forums on the Government Channel might be an illegal use of the channel. So Susan Thomas now has a rationale for killing the forums. Or as she put it in pure doublespeak, she didn’t really cancel the forums. She just announced that planning them had been stopped. Another distinction without a difference. Censors have a million of ’em.
The decision bothered the chairman of the city’s Telecommunications Board, which was originally created to put a buffer between the channel and an overzealous city administration. Richard Drake, the board’s chairman, was stunned to hear that the city had stopped planning the forums—without checking with the board. There was no need, according to Susan Thomas. The city council, she said, makes policy decisions on matters like public forums.
Not so fast there, Ms. Thomas. Your decision to stop planning for the forums amounts to setting policy. Which is not your prerogative.
This is just the latest flare-up between the city’s administration and the Government Channel. Earlier, the city fired its cable administrator, Marvin Hilton, for reasons that have yet to be adequately explained. At the latest meeting of the Telecommunications Board, Ms. Thomas presented the administrator’s report that used to be given by Mr. Hilton. And she said she expected to continue giving the report at future meetings. The term for it is power grab.
What’s going on here ? Why the city administrator’s sudden interest in programming on the Government Channel ? And why, after all these years, are the public forums on the channel deemed illegal ? These issue forums have long been done remarkably well. They’re balanced. Every side is heard.
One suggestion has been to move the forums to the community access channel. That channel would probably do a good job on the forums. But there’s no requirement on the community access channel that all sides be heard. A producer could decide to leave out one or more of the sides. That would be a step down from the practice long used by the Government Channel.
The bigger concern is that the administration’s latest intrusions open the door to further meddling in programming on the Government Channel. Some future administration might be inclined to tamper with the policies even more. The programming could become just what it was designed not to be: a tool to put the current administration in the most favorable light.
Nancy Allen, an alderman, wants the city council to look into this flap over the Government Channel. It’s a good idea. Maybe the city council can get to the bottom of the administration’s growing interest in what can and cannot be said in public forums on the channel.
We’d especially like to hear something unequivocal from Dan Coody, the mayor. He’s notoriously touchy about public information that doesn’t come out the way he thinks it should. What’s his role in this flap ? Does he support undermining the independence of the Telecommunications Board ? And Susan Thomas’ fiddling with programming ? Good questions. Answers are needed.
The board also deserves to know where it stands with this administration. Does the board set policy for the Government Channel, or is the board just there to do the bidding of others—in this case, the city administration ?
The public forums on the Government Channel have been a good source of information about various topics of community interest. To undermine that success—for whatever reason—is a mistake. The city council needs to get to the bottom of this. Soon. Before silence becomes standard operating procedure. Even in once free-speaking Fayetteville.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
May 25-31, 2008 schedule for government channel City 16 on Cox Cable in Fayetteville, Arkansas
May 25-31, 2008
SUNDAY, May 25
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Solid Waste Cart Program
7:14 a.m. Freedom Fest 2003: John Two-Hawks
7:38 a.m. Wilson Park Greenhouse Tour
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
9:00 a.m. Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
10:51 a.m. Sustainability Team Meeting: May 22
Noon Telecommunications Board: May 22
1:30 p.m. Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
2:30 p.m. Clarence Craft -- Medal of Honor Recipient
Children's Library This Week
Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
B.G.O. Founders' Garden
Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. City Council: May 20
7:30 p.m. Housing Authority Board: May 20
8:30 p.m. Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
10:00 p.m. Children's Library This Week
10:22 p.m. Veteran's Memorial Park Dedication
11:23 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
11:39 p.m. Farmers Market
11:55 p.m. Veteran's Administration Medical Center: Curb the Clutter Clean Up
12:00 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
12:31 p.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
MONDAY, May 26
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
8:42 a.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
8:55 a.m. Tanglewood Creek Cleanup
9:00 a.m. Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
10:30 a.m. Farmers Market
10:45 a.m. ICLEI Climate Conference: Increasing Local Climate Resilience
11:52 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
12:08 BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
12:56 p.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association:Tom Pagnozzi
1:55 p.m. AIB Arts Live: BGSO Brings Cheer To Seniors
2:05 p.m. Animal Services Adoption Appreciation Day
2:43 p.m. Historic District: Downtown
3:14 p.m. American Legion Retires Flags
3:31 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
4:02 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Children's Library This Week
5:52 p.m. Please Help Stop Park Vandalism
6:01 p.m. Farmers Market
Clarence Craft -- Medal of Honor Recipient
6:30 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
7:12 p.m. FPL Presents: Toucan Jam
7:54 p.m. Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
9:16 p.m. Environmental Education Workshop For Teachers: Good Habits
9:36 p.m. Dr. Robert Costanza: Toward An Ecological Economy: Creating a Sustainable & Desirable Future
10:52 p.m. Farmers Market
11:08 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
11:29 p.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
12:30 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
7:30 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
9:00 a.m. FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
10:17 a.m. Children's Library This Week
10:39 a.m., Trinity Wind Power Project
10:57 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
11:13 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
12:23 p.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
12:34 p.m. Understanding Energy Consumption In Multi-Family Housing
1:47 p.m. Farmers Market
2:03 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
2:24 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
2:55 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
3:16 p.m. Parks & Recreation: Stay Active Drama Camp
3:57 p.m. Litter Hotline
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:28 p.m. Four Million Gallons Of Music
5:30 p.m. Planning Commission-LIVE
8:30 p.m. FPL Science Saturday: Entomology
9:01 p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
9:14 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
9:26 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
9:47 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
10:03 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
10:44 p.m. Farmers Market
11:00 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
11:31 p.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
12:35 p.m. Domestic Violence Awareness: Project for Victims of Family
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
7:12 a.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
11:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 27
2:00 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
2:21 p.m. FPL: Kids Lab Dinosaurs
3:13 p.m. Children's Library This Week
3:35 p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
3:48 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:01 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
8:30 p.m. Planning Commission: May 27
11:30 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
11:51 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
12:22 a.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
7:21 a.m. Library: Books for Cowboys & Cowgirls
7:29 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. City View: Storm Water
8:49 a.m. Welcoming To Fayetteville: I Am The One To Make A Difference
9:00 a.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
11:00 a.m. FPL: Honeymoon With My Brother
12:11p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
12:24 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
12:55 p.m. Understanding Energy Consumption In Multi-Family Housing
2:08 p.m. ICLEI Climate Conference: Climate Innovation Invitational: Show & Tell
3:13 p.m. Trail of Tears Historical Site Dedication and Remembrance Celebration
3:47 p.m. Burning Trash; Your Health Up in Smoke
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Farmers Market
4:46 p.m. B.G.O. Founders' Garden
5:07 p.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
5:55 p.m. Fire Department's Music Video
5:57 p.m. Litter Hotline
5:59 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
6:15 p.m. Children's Library This Week
6:36 p.m. Telecommunications Board: May 22
8:36 p.m. Environmental Training Meeting: May 27
10:36 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
11:07 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
11:23 p.m. Grinders Skate Park
11:51 p.m. Gulley Park Summer Concert: Trout Fishing In America
12:41 a.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
FRIDAY, May 30
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Addiction & The Justice System: Deciphering The Maze
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Blair Library: Dances Around The World
8:57 a.m. Fire Department's Music Video
9:00 a.m. Telecommunications Board: May 22
11:00 a.m. Children's Library This Week
11:22 a.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
11:43 p.m. FPL Womens Health Series: Stress Management
12:37 p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
12:50 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:06 p.m. Identity Theft Solutions
1:43 p.m. Farmers Market
1:59 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
2:30 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
3:12 p.m. Fayetteville Firewise Presentation
3:42 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
3:55 p.m. Clean & Green: A Beautiful City
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
6:01 p.m. Keeping Fayetteville Beautiful
6:08 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:39 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
8:30 p.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
10:30 Blair Library: James Gilmore's Welcome to the Experience Economy
11:44 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
12:25 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
7:42 a.m. BGSO: Earth Day Is Every Day
7:58 a.m. Fire Department's Music Video
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
11:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 27
2:00 p.m. Subdivision Committee: May 29
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
6:30 p.m. Telecommunications Board: May 22
8:30 p.m. Sustainability Team Meeting: May 22
Children's Library This Week
8:51 p.m. La Voz Latino Una Celebration de Autores Latinos
10:21 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
10:37 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake 10:49 p.m. B.G.O. Founders' Garden
11:10 p.m. Farmers Market
11:26 p.m. Blair Library Author Event: Jeanne DuPrau
12:18 p.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
May 25-31, 2008
SUNDAY, May 25
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Solid Waste Cart Program
7:14 a.m. Freedom Fest 2003: John Two-Hawks
7:38 a.m. Wilson Park Greenhouse Tour
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
9:00 a.m. Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
10:51 a.m. Sustainability Team Meeting: May 22
Noon Telecommunications Board: May 22
1:30 p.m. Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
2:30 p.m. Clarence Craft -- Medal of Honor Recipient
Children's Library This Week
Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
B.G.O. Founders' Garden
Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. City Council: May 20
7:30 p.m. Housing Authority Board: May 20
8:30 p.m. Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
10:00 p.m. Children's Library This Week
10:22 p.m. Veteran's Memorial Park Dedication
11:23 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
11:39 p.m. Farmers Market
11:55 p.m. Veteran's Administration Medical Center: Curb the Clutter Clean Up
12:00 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
12:31 p.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
MONDAY, May 26
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
8:42 a.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
8:55 a.m. Tanglewood Creek Cleanup
9:00 a.m. Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
10:30 a.m. Farmers Market
10:45 a.m. ICLEI Climate Conference: Increasing Local Climate Resilience
11:52 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
12:08 BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
12:56 p.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association:Tom Pagnozzi
1:55 p.m. AIB Arts Live: BGSO Brings Cheer To Seniors
2:05 p.m. Animal Services Adoption Appreciation Day
2:43 p.m. Historic District: Downtown
3:14 p.m. American Legion Retires Flags
3:31 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
4:02 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Children's Library This Week
5:52 p.m. Please Help Stop Park Vandalism
6:01 p.m. Farmers Market
Clarence Craft -- Medal of Honor Recipient
6:30 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
7:12 p.m. FPL Presents: Toucan Jam
7:54 p.m. Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
9:16 p.m. Environmental Education Workshop For Teachers: Good Habits
9:36 p.m. Dr. Robert Costanza: Toward An Ecological Economy: Creating a Sustainable & Desirable Future
10:52 p.m. Farmers Market
11:08 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
11:29 p.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
12:30 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
7:30 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
9:00 a.m. FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
10:17 a.m. Children's Library This Week
10:39 a.m., Trinity Wind Power Project
10:57 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
11:13 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
12:23 p.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
12:34 p.m. Understanding Energy Consumption In Multi-Family Housing
1:47 p.m. Farmers Market
2:03 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
2:24 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
2:55 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
3:16 p.m. Parks & Recreation: Stay Active Drama Camp
3:57 p.m. Litter Hotline
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:28 p.m. Four Million Gallons Of Music
5:30 p.m. Planning Commission-LIVE
8:30 p.m. FPL Science Saturday: Entomology
9:01 p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
9:14 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
9:26 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
9:47 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
10:03 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
10:44 p.m. Farmers Market
11:00 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
11:31 p.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
12:35 p.m. Domestic Violence Awareness: Project for Victims of Family
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
7:12 a.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
11:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 27
2:00 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
2:21 p.m. FPL: Kids Lab Dinosaurs
3:13 p.m. Children's Library This Week
3:35 p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
3:48 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:01 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
8:30 p.m. Planning Commission: May 27
11:30 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
11:51 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
12:22 a.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
7:21 a.m. Library: Books for Cowboys & Cowgirls
7:29 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. City View: Storm Water
8:49 a.m. Welcoming To Fayetteville: I Am The One To Make A Difference
9:00 a.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
11:00 a.m. FPL: Honeymoon With My Brother
12:11p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
12:24 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
12:55 p.m. Understanding Energy Consumption In Multi-Family Housing
2:08 p.m. ICLEI Climate Conference: Climate Innovation Invitational: Show & Tell
3:13 p.m. Trail of Tears Historical Site Dedication and Remembrance Celebration
3:47 p.m. Burning Trash; Your Health Up in Smoke
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Farmers Market
4:46 p.m. B.G.O. Founders' Garden
5:07 p.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
5:55 p.m. Fire Department's Music Video
5:57 p.m. Litter Hotline
5:59 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
6:15 p.m. Children's Library This Week
6:36 p.m. Telecommunications Board: May 22
8:36 p.m. Environmental Training Meeting: May 27
10:36 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
11:07 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
11:23 p.m. Grinders Skate Park
11:51 p.m. Gulley Park Summer Concert: Trout Fishing In America
12:41 a.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
FRIDAY, May 30
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Addiction & The Justice System: Deciphering The Maze
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Blair Library: Dances Around The World
8:57 a.m. Fire Department's Music Video
9:00 a.m. Telecommunications Board: May 22
11:00 a.m. Children's Library This Week
11:22 a.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
11:43 p.m. FPL Womens Health Series: Stress Management
12:37 p.m. Historic Preservation Month Of May 2008 Proclamation
12:50 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:06 p.m. Identity Theft Solutions
1:43 p.m. Farmers Market
1:59 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
2:30 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
3:12 p.m. Fayetteville Firewise Presentation
3:42 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake
3:55 p.m. Clean & Green: A Beautiful City
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
6:01 p.m. Keeping Fayetteville Beautiful
6:08 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:39 p.m. BGSO Founders' Garden
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
8:30 p.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
10:30 Blair Library: James Gilmore's Welcome to the Experience Economy
11:44 p.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
12:25 p.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
7:42 a.m. BGSO: Earth Day Is Every Day
7:58 a.m. Fire Department's Music Video
8:00 a.m. Community Events Calendar
8:30 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 27
11:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 27
2:00 p.m. Subdivision Committee: May 29
4:00 p.m. Community Events Calendar
4:30 p.m. Best Management Practices Plan Training: May 27
6:30 p.m. Telecommunications Board: May 22
8:30 p.m. Sustainability Team Meeting: May 22
Children's Library This Week
8:51 p.m. La Voz Latino Una Celebration de Autores Latinos
10:21 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
10:37 p.m. Fayetteville Executive Airport Honors Dr. Noah Fields Drake 10:49 p.m. B.G.O. Founders' Garden
11:10 p.m. Farmers Market
11:26 p.m. Blair Library Author Event: Jeanne DuPrau
12:18 p.m. BGO Founders' Garden Fundraiser With The Cate Brothers
Friday, May 23, 2008
Drake recommends caution on policy changes at City 16
Chairman says don’t change the channel
BY MARSHA L. MELNICHAK Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Friday, May 23, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/nwat/News/65451
A cessation in planning for two forum discussions on Fayetteville’s Government Channel opens the door to too much government control of that channel’s content, the chairman of the Telecommunications Board said Thursday.
“ I don’t think (city staff ) realize they can create a situation in which some loony tunes administration might come in here which might want to just gut the Government Channel of all kinds of things, ” Richard Drake said as he chaired the panel’s regular meeting at the City Administration Building.
Planning for forums about the location of Fayetteville High School and the future of the Walton Arts Center were stopped as Mayor Dan Coody’s administration and City Attorney Kit Williams expressed discomfort with the Government Channel’s use for such televised issuesbased discussions in effect being sponsored by the city.
For Drake and others, it is the role and function of the Government Channel that is in question, and concerns about city government influencing Government Channel programming.
“ The Telecom Board was specifically set up to buffer the channels from the city, ” said Jim Bemis of Fayetteville, a frequent board meeting visitor and telecommunications advocate.
Ironically, it was on an April 30 forum on the Government Channel that City Attorney Kit Williams identified issues about what he sees as the illegality of public forums being produced on the Government Channel. Such forums to discuss issues ranging from the state’s Freedom of Information Act to contemporary community issues have taken place for years.
Susan Thomas, the city’s public information officer and policy advisor, explained at the Telecommunications Board meeting Thursday that plans for all issue forums were stopped following Williams ’ advice.
“ So we’ve actually canceled these without waiting for any sort of policy decision from the Telecom Board ?” Drake asked Thomas.
“ It was very clear to me, from the city attorney, that we were doing something we knew we shouldn’t do, and we should stop immediately, ” answered Thomas.
She said the forums weren’t canceled, but the planning was stopped. It is up to the City Council to make the policy decision about the forums, Thomas said.
Drake argued that Wil- liams and Thomas had set policy by stopping the planning because that in turn stopped the forums.
“ They’re creating a situation, they’re making it possible for any city administration coming down the road to change the rules as it suits them, ” Drake said.
Bemis brought a list of complaints and requests related to the forums to Telecom meeting. He was among those who requested the forum on issues forums, and one of his requests Thursday was to continue discussion of those issues and questions. Another was to allow production of the two forums that were in the planning stages.
He also said he wants a public discussion about restaffing for the Public Education and Government channels, including further efforts related to changing policies and procedures. The city recently fired Cable Administrator Marvin Hilton.
Once he gets a formal response, he intends to appeal the decision to stop the forums to the City Council.
Before that, Ward 2 ’s Nancy Allen has asked that the topic be discussed at the next council agenda session. In the meantime, Drake said he has plans to start requesting that past issue forums be played on the Government Channel.
Thomas gave the cable administrator’s report and indicated she would be doing so in the future.
In the past, that report was given by Hilton.
Thomas said that while no final decisions had been made, it was likely that employee Ric Delahoussaye will be named immediate supervisor and will handle day-to-day operations of the cable administration office.
She said she is taking employees comments to heart and taking a team approach to restructuring the duties of the department.
Thomas said they will not refill Hilton’s position for at least the remainder of this year.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Everyone needs to watch Thursday's meeting at 9:30 a.m. Monday on government channel 16 on Cox Cable to prepare for Tuesday's 6 p.m. council meeting
I watched the video Sunday morning and heard something that I had missed during the meeting. Todd, one of the planners for Appian Center for Design, said that the plan includes removing some of the existing brush along the Town Branch in order to allow people to "see and enjoy the creek."
Without knowing that I had taken the photo and written what I did about protecting the stream and the problems of bank erosion and raising of the water temperature that has occurred already as a result of the Aspen Ridge land clearing.
That would be adding more injury to the already injured stream and to the Beaver Lake watershed.
Without knowing that I had taken the photo and written what I did about protecting the stream and the problems of bank erosion and raising of the water temperature that has occurred already as a result of the Aspen Ridge land clearing.
That would be adding more injury to the already injured stream and to the Beaver Lake watershed.
May 18-24, 2008
SUNDAY, May 18
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library: Story Time with Mary Loots
7:21 a.m. PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
7:54 a.m. Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
9:00 a.m. Boston Mountain Solid Waste: May 15
9:30 a.m. Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place: May 15
11:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 12
1:10 p.m. Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
2:34 p.m. Airport Board: May 14
3:32 p.m. Planning Commission: May 1
4:35 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
9:00 p.m. Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
9:58 p.m. Subdivision Committee: May 15
MONDAY, May 19
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
7:31 a.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
8:32 a.m. Freedom Fest '03:Raja Khoury
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 12
Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place PZD: May 15
Parks & Recreation Board Tour Of Mt. Ranch: May 5
Farmers Market
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Arkansas Rock Art
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
6:32 p.m. Telecommunications Board: May 15
Parks & Recreation Board Tour Of Mt. Ranch: May 5
Street Committee: May 12
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Dogwood Walk 2008
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
7:42 a.m. Arkansas Rock Art
8:45 a.m. Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Boston Mountain Solid Waste: May 15
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Children's Library This Week
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Animals That Need Homes Now!
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Dogwood Walk 2008
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
6:00 p.m. City Council-LIVE
Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
Boston Mountain Solid Waste: May 15
Farmers Market
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Dogwood Walk 2008
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
8:00 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Subdivision Committee: May 15
Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Dogwood Walk 2008
Farmers Market
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 20
Housing Authority Board: May 20
Children's Library This Week
Dogwood Walk 2008
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:11 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
7:42 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:13 a.m. Gary Moffitt, M,D. On Poison Ivy
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 20
Housing Authority Board: May 20
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Gulley Park Concert Series: Claire Holley Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
COBRA @ FPL: Lin Wellford
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Farmers Market
City View: Rain Gardens
6:30 p.m. Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Dogwood Walk 2008
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
Children's Library This Week
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
Animals That Need Homes Now!
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Recreation Program Diversity
Trinity Wind Power Project
Farmers Market
FRIDAY, May 23
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
8:17 a.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
9:00 a.m. Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Dogwood Walk 2008
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Children's Library This Week
Large Scale Wind Power: A Good Fit For Arkansas?
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Patrice Pike & The Black Box Rebellion Gulley Park Concert Farmers Market
Planning A Physically Active Community
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:01 p.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Farmers Market
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
8:02 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:33 a.m. Troops, Trains & Planes
8:44 a.m. Together We Make A Difference: Volunteering In Fayetteville
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 20
Housing Authority Board: May 20
Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous Liaisons
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
City View: Parks & Recreation
Children's Library This Week
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Dogwood Walk 2008
Farmers Market
4:00 p.m. Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
Street Committee: May 12
Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
National Conversation On Climate Action Farmers Market
Harry & The Potters @ FPL
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Library Seeing Nature in a New Way: China's 3 Gorges Dam & Its Impact on the Environment
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Dogwood Walk 2008
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
May 18-24, 2008
SUNDAY, May 18
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library: Story Time with Mary Loots
7:21 a.m. PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
7:54 a.m. Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
9:00 a.m. Boston Mountain Solid Waste: May 15
9:30 a.m. Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place: May 15
11:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 12
1:10 p.m. Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
2:34 p.m. Airport Board: May 14
3:32 p.m. Planning Commission: May 1
4:35 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
9:00 p.m. Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
9:58 p.m. Subdivision Committee: May 15
MONDAY, May 19
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
7:31 a.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
8:32 a.m. Freedom Fest '03:Raja Khoury
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 12
Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place PZD: May 15
Parks & Recreation Board Tour Of Mt. Ranch: May 5
Farmers Market
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Arkansas Rock Art
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
6:32 p.m. Telecommunications Board: May 15
Parks & Recreation Board Tour Of Mt. Ranch: May 5
Street Committee: May 12
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Dogwood Walk 2008
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
7:42 a.m. Arkansas Rock Art
8:45 a.m. Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Boston Mountain Solid Waste: May 15
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Children's Library This Week
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Animals That Need Homes Now!
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Dogwood Walk 2008
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
6:00 p.m. City Council-LIVE
Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
Boston Mountain Solid Waste: May 15
Farmers Market
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Dogwood Walk 2008
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
8:00 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Subdivision Committee: May 15
Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Dogwood Walk 2008
Farmers Market
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 20
Housing Authority Board: May 20
Children's Library This Week
Dogwood Walk 2008
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:11 a.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
7:42 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:13 a.m. Gary Moffitt, M,D. On Poison Ivy
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 20
Housing Authority Board: May 20
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Gulley Park Concert Series: Claire Holley Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
COBRA @ FPL: Lin Wellford
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Farmers Market
City View: Rain Gardens
6:30 p.m. Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Dogwood Walk 2008
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
Children's Library This Week
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
Animals That Need Homes Now!
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Recreation Program Diversity
Trinity Wind Power Project
Farmers Market
FRIDAY, May 23
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
8:17 a.m. Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
9:00 a.m. Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Dogwood Walk 2008
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Children's Library This Week
Large Scale Wind Power: A Good Fit For Arkansas?
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Patrice Pike & The Black Box Rebellion Gulley Park Concert Farmers Market
Planning A Physically Active Community
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
6:01 p.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Farmers Market
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
8:02 a.m. Dogwood Walk 2008
8:33 a.m. Troops, Trains & Planes
8:44 a.m. Together We Make A Difference: Volunteering In Fayetteville
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 20
Housing Authority Board: May 20
Walton Arts Center Council: May 21
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous Liaisons
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
City View: Parks & Recreation
Children's Library This Week
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Dogwood Walk 2008
Farmers Market
4:00 p.m. Ward 4 Meeting: May 19
Street Committee: May 12
Council Of Neighborhoods: May 22
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Children's Library This Week
Animals That Need Homes Now!
National Conversation On Climate Action Farmers Market
Harry & The Potters @ FPL
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Library Seeing Nature in a New Way: China's 3 Gorges Dam & Its Impact on the Environment
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Dogwood Walk 2008
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Kid's Bike Safety Rodeo 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Government channel operation may be changing
City to explore divvying up position duties
BY MARSHA L. MELNICHAK Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/nwat/News/65175/
The job duties of former Cable Administrator Marvin Hilton may be spread among existing Government Channel employees. Then again, they may not.
The restructuring, if it happens, would mean a savings in salary costs in Fayetteville’s General Fund.
“ I think if we’re going to significantly expand somebody’s duties, we’ll increase their responsibilities, make somebody a supervisor who wasn’t a supervisor before, said Susan Thomas, public information officer and policy adviser for the city. “ I think it’s only right to compensate that person for those additional duties, so it won’t be a 100 percent savings of the salary associated with that position, but there will be some for sure. ”
She said she does not have any specific ideas about titles, shifting positions, creating new titles or any other details of the possible restructuring.
“ I’m going to work with staff to find the best option, ” she said.
Thomas had planned to propose an appeal of the city’s hiring freeze for the cable administration position but saw an alternative after meeting with staff and listening to feedback.
“… it looks like it may make more sense to distribute the job duties among existing employees, ” she told the council via a memo at its Tuesday agenda session.
She said she hasn’t made a final decision and wants to continue to talk to staff.
“ That looks like it’s going to work out, ” she said of the idea to redistribute the job duties.
Hilton’s contract was terminated Friday.
“ The duties of that position are essential. They have to continue. They are not going away, ” Thomas said after the agenda session. “ It’s just restructuring how we’re going to get them done. ”
She wrote in her memo to the council, “ I am therefore not asking for an appeal to the hiring freeze at this time and do not anticipate doing so in the future. ”
A change in duties may not be the only change ahead for the Government Channel.
Thomas referred to a Telecommunications Board Forum on Issue Forums held April 30. She said at that meeting City Attorney Kit Williams outlined issues about the legality of the public forums and the way they have been produced at the Government Channel.
Williams said after the meeting Tuesday that he thinks the forums should be on the public access channel (CAT-TV ) rather than the Government Channel.
The Government Channel should be primarily to present government meetings and information, he said.
Thomas told the council she expected significant changes in the nature of the programming produced and broadcast by the Government Channel.
“ We will effectively be starting from scratch on the policy / procedure re-write, ” she wrote in the memo. “ That process has been underway for about two years. ”
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com
BY MARSHA L. MELNICHAK Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/nwat/News/65175/
The job duties of former Cable Administrator Marvin Hilton may be spread among existing Government Channel employees. Then again, they may not.
The restructuring, if it happens, would mean a savings in salary costs in Fayetteville’s General Fund.
“ I think if we’re going to significantly expand somebody’s duties, we’ll increase their responsibilities, make somebody a supervisor who wasn’t a supervisor before, said Susan Thomas, public information officer and policy adviser for the city. “ I think it’s only right to compensate that person for those additional duties, so it won’t be a 100 percent savings of the salary associated with that position, but there will be some for sure. ”
She said she does not have any specific ideas about titles, shifting positions, creating new titles or any other details of the possible restructuring.
“ I’m going to work with staff to find the best option, ” she said.
Thomas had planned to propose an appeal of the city’s hiring freeze for the cable administration position but saw an alternative after meeting with staff and listening to feedback.
“… it looks like it may make more sense to distribute the job duties among existing employees, ” she told the council via a memo at its Tuesday agenda session.
She said she hasn’t made a final decision and wants to continue to talk to staff.
“ That looks like it’s going to work out, ” she said of the idea to redistribute the job duties.
Hilton’s contract was terminated Friday.
“ The duties of that position are essential. They have to continue. They are not going away, ” Thomas said after the agenda session. “ It’s just restructuring how we’re going to get them done. ”
She wrote in her memo to the council, “ I am therefore not asking for an appeal to the hiring freeze at this time and do not anticipate doing so in the future. ”
A change in duties may not be the only change ahead for the Government Channel.
Thomas referred to a Telecommunications Board Forum on Issue Forums held April 30. She said at that meeting City Attorney Kit Williams outlined issues about the legality of the public forums and the way they have been produced at the Government Channel.
Williams said after the meeting Tuesday that he thinks the forums should be on the public access channel (CAT-TV ) rather than the Government Channel.
The Government Channel should be primarily to present government meetings and information, he said.
Thomas told the council she expected significant changes in the nature of the programming produced and broadcast by the Government Channel.
“ We will effectively be starting from scratch on the policy / procedure re-write, ” she wrote in the memo. “ That process has been underway for about two years. ”
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Build Hill Place right or don't build it
The maps based on aerial photos below are reasonably new, and people who live in some houses along the Town Branch of the West Fork of the White River between Eleventh Street and Fifteenth Street who are paying on mortgages on their homes now have to pay for flood insurance.
A close look at the maps reveals that FEMA now acknowledges not only that many buildings in that stretch are either IN or immediately adjacent to the acknowledged flood plain but also that much of the infrastructure for the failed Aspen Ridge site was built in the flood plain between Sixth and Eleventh streets west of South Hill Avenue.
People who have lived in the neighborhood a long time know that the actual floodplain is much wider in places than the FEMA map shows.
While the developers of the Hill Place project are being required to remove a sewer line and blocks much of the flow under the bridge at Eleventh Street, they have not been told to build their proposed traffic bridge higher than the current walkiing bridge. In fact, they are proposing to build the traffic bridge LOWER than the walking bridge built in 2005 or 2006 across the stream. Because federal agencies will barely even look at the plans, the city must make the decision on this further construction in the floodplain.
In 2003 and 2004, the developers claimed that FEMA maps did not show floodplain in the area. Neighbors pointed out that the Town Branch FLOWED OVER much of that land frequently even though the government had not designated it as floodplain and that, not only did the stream flow over the bridge at Eleventh Street but sometimes flowed over the bridge at Fifteenth Street.
Just another example of NIMBIES being ignored in favor of developers and builders who don't care what harm their projects might do as long as they are able to reach the density level required to make a huge profit. People who say "Not in my backyard" in this neighborhood have seen the water there (and some have seen it in their houses or flowing in front of their houses); so they aren't talking about a trivial problem.
The lowest portion of the former wooded wetland at the southeast end of the project must be dug out and structured to pre-Aspen Ridge grade or lower to reapproach the historical flood-prevention capacity of that land.
No further paving should be done southeast of the existing walking bridge and the impervious fill dirt should be removed and water again should be allowed to soak into appropriate organic soil.
Developers claim their right to build as long as their project doesn't send more water off their land than flowed off there before.
They use voodoo mathematics that ignore overflow from the Town Branch and that ignore the nearly 100 percent permeability of the surface of the area before it was cleared and filled with rocky dirt and red clay.
They rely on the fact that water has threatened the downstream homes a little more each year during the decades the University of Arkansas has filled similar land on the campus and covered or dredged absorbent soil on the campus in favor of non-absorbent, non-organic soil and concrete.
Now is the time to begin to require developments to DECREASE downstream flooding, not aggravate it and blame the university for its building practices. Multiple wrong decisions don't add up to a right decision.
A close look at the maps reveals that FEMA now acknowledges not only that many buildings in that stretch are either IN or immediately adjacent to the acknowledged flood plain but also that much of the infrastructure for the failed Aspen Ridge site was built in the flood plain between Sixth and Eleventh streets west of South Hill Avenue.
People who have lived in the neighborhood a long time know that the actual floodplain is much wider in places than the FEMA map shows.
While the developers of the Hill Place project are being required to remove a sewer line and blocks much of the flow under the bridge at Eleventh Street, they have not been told to build their proposed traffic bridge higher than the current walkiing bridge. In fact, they are proposing to build the traffic bridge LOWER than the walking bridge built in 2005 or 2006 across the stream. Because federal agencies will barely even look at the plans, the city must make the decision on this further construction in the floodplain.
In 2003 and 2004, the developers claimed that FEMA maps did not show floodplain in the area. Neighbors pointed out that the Town Branch FLOWED OVER much of that land frequently even though the government had not designated it as floodplain and that, not only did the stream flow over the bridge at Eleventh Street but sometimes flowed over the bridge at Fifteenth Street.
Just another example of NIMBIES being ignored in favor of developers and builders who don't care what harm their projects might do as long as they are able to reach the density level required to make a huge profit. People who say "Not in my backyard" in this neighborhood have seen the water there (and some have seen it in their houses or flowing in front of their houses); so they aren't talking about a trivial problem.
The lowest portion of the former wooded wetland at the southeast end of the project must be dug out and structured to pre-Aspen Ridge grade or lower to reapproach the historical flood-prevention capacity of that land.
No further paving should be done southeast of the existing walking bridge and the impervious fill dirt should be removed and water again should be allowed to soak into appropriate organic soil.
Developers claim their right to build as long as their project doesn't send more water off their land than flowed off there before.
They use voodoo mathematics that ignore overflow from the Town Branch and that ignore the nearly 100 percent permeability of the surface of the area before it was cleared and filled with rocky dirt and red clay.
They rely on the fact that water has threatened the downstream homes a little more each year during the decades the University of Arkansas has filled similar land on the campus and covered or dredged absorbent soil on the campus in favor of non-absorbent, non-organic soil and concrete.
Now is the time to begin to require developments to DECREASE downstream flooding, not aggravate it and blame the university for its building practices. Multiple wrong decisions don't add up to a right decision.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
City Fires cable administrator, reports The Northwest Arkansas Times
City fires cable administrator
BY MARSHA L. MELNICHAK Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2008
Email this story | Printer-friendly version
The employment of Fayetteville Cable Administrator Marvin Hilton was terminated Friday. Hilton headed the Cable Administration Division for the city since Feb. 1, 1995.
"All proper protocols and processes were followed," said his immediate supervisor, Susan Thomas, public information officer and policy advisor.
She declined to say why Hilton was terminated and directed all inquiries to the Human Resources Division. Melissa "Missy"Leflar, Human Resources Division manager, was out of the office Friday.
City Attorney Kit Williams said there is no appeal process for termination for general employees.
"Arkansas grants employers, including cities, the right to terminate at will just like employees have the right to leave anytime they want to unless there is a separate contract or some other provision," Williams said.
It is Thomas's intent to approach the City Council next week for a waiver from the hiring freeze so the city can advertise to refill the position.
Attempts to reach Hilton were unsuccessful Friday. He indicated through e-mail Friday evening that he would call the Northwest Arkansas Times after relaxing, but did not do so.
Thomas said there was no connection between Friday's events and a proposal made during 2008 budget discussions to reorganize the Cable Administration Division.
That proposal was to merge some of the duties of the cable administrator and the neighborhood coordinator in the Planning Division into one new position - public information coordinator.
Hilton has been in the public eye in recent months with his support of a citywide Wi-Fi system and for his part in the bickering among the city's Cable Access Television channel, the government channel and the Telecommunications Board.
Disagreements about lines of authority led Ward 3 Alderman Bobby Ferrell to look for ways to get the groups to be more respectful and friendly to each other. Reference was to a Telecom Board meeting in which Hilton was gaveled down by the chairman of the CAT board in mid-sentence during a request for information from the CAT manager, Sky Blaylock.
According to the city's Web site, the Cable Administration Division oversees the operations of the city's Government Access Channel 16; monitors and enforces the city's franchise agreement with Cox Communications; works with the Telecommunications Board and the City Council to enforce federal cable television regulations; and supervises the performance of the public access provider and the educational access channel's operation.
Thomas confirmed there was a police officer present when Hilton was asked to leave his office at the PEG center at 101 West Rock St. Friday morning.
"It's a security issue regardless of the employee or the situation," she said. "There was no drama."
BY MARSHA L. MELNICHAK Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2008
Email this story | Printer-friendly version
The employment of Fayetteville Cable Administrator Marvin Hilton was terminated Friday. Hilton headed the Cable Administration Division for the city since Feb. 1, 1995.
"All proper protocols and processes were followed," said his immediate supervisor, Susan Thomas, public information officer and policy advisor.
She declined to say why Hilton was terminated and directed all inquiries to the Human Resources Division. Melissa "Missy"Leflar, Human Resources Division manager, was out of the office Friday.
City Attorney Kit Williams said there is no appeal process for termination for general employees.
"Arkansas grants employers, including cities, the right to terminate at will just like employees have the right to leave anytime they want to unless there is a separate contract or some other provision," Williams said.
It is Thomas's intent to approach the City Council next week for a waiver from the hiring freeze so the city can advertise to refill the position.
Attempts to reach Hilton were unsuccessful Friday. He indicated through e-mail Friday evening that he would call the Northwest Arkansas Times after relaxing, but did not do so.
Thomas said there was no connection between Friday's events and a proposal made during 2008 budget discussions to reorganize the Cable Administration Division.
That proposal was to merge some of the duties of the cable administrator and the neighborhood coordinator in the Planning Division into one new position - public information coordinator.
Hilton has been in the public eye in recent months with his support of a citywide Wi-Fi system and for his part in the bickering among the city's Cable Access Television channel, the government channel and the Telecommunications Board.
Disagreements about lines of authority led Ward 3 Alderman Bobby Ferrell to look for ways to get the groups to be more respectful and friendly to each other. Reference was to a Telecom Board meeting in which Hilton was gaveled down by the chairman of the CAT board in mid-sentence during a request for information from the CAT manager, Sky Blaylock.
According to the city's Web site, the Cable Administration Division oversees the operations of the city's Government Access Channel 16; monitors and enforces the city's franchise agreement with Cox Communications; works with the Telecommunications Board and the City Council to enforce federal cable television regulations; and supervises the performance of the public access provider and the educational access channel's operation.
Thomas confirmed there was a police officer present when Hilton was asked to leave his office at the PEG center at 101 West Rock St. Friday morning.
"It's a security issue regardless of the employee or the situation," she said. "There was no drama."
Saturday, May 10, 2008
May 11-17, 2008, government channel schedule
May 11-17, 2008
SUNDAY, May 11
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
8:26 a.m. Centennial Flight Day (100 Years of Flight)
9:00 a.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
Compost Facility
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Parks & Recreation Board Tour Of Mt. Ranch: May 5
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Environmental Concerns: May 8
E Waste
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
Recycling Drop Off
4:00 p.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
Children's Library This Week
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Street Committee: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
Compost Facility
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination E Waste
Green Building Roundtable Discussion Recycling Drop Off
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
Trash Cart Program
Farmers Market
MONDAY, May 12
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. Animal Services: The Truth About Adoption and Euthanasia
8:20 a.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
9:00 a.m. Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
9:56 a.m. Trash Cart Program
9:58 a.m. Environmental Concerns: May 8
Compost Facility
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Animals That Need Homes Now!
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
E Waste
COBRA @ FPL: Anna Meyers
Recycling Drop Off
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger Farmers Market
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Planning Commission-LIVE
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Trash Cart Program
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
E Waste
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
Recycling Drop Off
Street Committee: May 8
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
Compost Facility
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
8:23 a.m. Library: "A Good Night's Sleep"
9:00 a.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Compost Facility
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
Recycling Drop Off
Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
Trash Cart Program
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Farmers Market
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
6:30 p.m. Planning Commission: May 12
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Compost Facility
Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
Recycling Drop Off
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
E Waste
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Farmers Market
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Harry & The Potters @ FPL
7:49 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 12
Compost Facility
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
Recycling Drop Off
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
E Waste
Farmers Market
Green Or Too Green
Kessler Mountain: Conservation Elements
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Trails & Greenways: The National Perspective
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
Compost Facility
PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
E Waste
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Trash Cart Program
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
8:26 a.m. Clabber Creek Trail Ribbon Cutting
8:40 a.m. FPL: Gathering Of The Groups
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Trash Cart Program
Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
E Waste
PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Recycling Drop Off
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Economic Development Education Session #2: FEDC
Compost Facility
Farmers Market
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
5:30 p.m. Telecommunications Board-LIVE
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Quorum Court: May 8
E Waste
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
Trash Cart Program
Airport Board: May 14
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Compost Facility
Recycling Drop Off
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
FRIDAY, May 16
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
8:06 a.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: The Language of Quilts
9:00 a.m. Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
Recycling Drop Off
Airport Board: May 14
E Waste
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Sidewalks & Trails Task Force: May 14
Compost Facility
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
Trash Cart Program
National Conversation On Climate Action
Farmers Market
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
6:39 p.m. Farmers Market
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Sidewalks & Trails Task Force: May 14
E Waste
Subdivision Committee: May 15
Recycling Drop Off
Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place PZD: May 15
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Bikes, Blues & BBQ: Featuring Music Of The Odds
7:33 a.m. Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
9:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 12
Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
Sidewalks & Trails Task Force: May 14
Subdivision Committee: May 15
Boston Mt. Solid Waste: May 15
5:00 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Compost Facility
Telecommunications Board: May 15
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
E Waste
Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place PZD: May 15 Airport Board: May 14
Council Of Neighborhoods: May 15
PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
May 11-17, 2008
SUNDAY, May 11
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
8:26 a.m. Centennial Flight Day (100 Years of Flight)
9:00 a.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
Compost Facility
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Parks & Recreation Board Tour Of Mt. Ranch: May 5
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Environmental Concerns: May 8
E Waste
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
Recycling Drop Off
4:00 p.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
Children's Library This Week
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Street Committee: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
Compost Facility
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination E Waste
Green Building Roundtable Discussion Recycling Drop Off
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
Trash Cart Program
Farmers Market
MONDAY, May 12
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. Animal Services: The Truth About Adoption and Euthanasia
8:20 a.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
9:00 a.m. Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
9:56 a.m. Trash Cart Program
9:58 a.m. Environmental Concerns: May 8
Compost Facility
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Animals That Need Homes Now!
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
E Waste
COBRA @ FPL: Anna Meyers
Recycling Drop Off
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger Farmers Market
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Planning Commission-LIVE
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Trash Cart Program
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
E Waste
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: April 30
Recycling Drop Off
Street Committee: May 8
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
Compost Facility
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
8:23 a.m. Library: "A Good Night's Sleep"
9:00 a.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Compost Facility
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
Recycling Drop Off
Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
Trash Cart Program
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Farmers Market
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
6:30 p.m. Planning Commission: May 12
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Compost Facility
Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
Recycling Drop Off
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
E Waste
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Farmers Market
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Harry & The Potters @ FPL
7:49 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 12
Compost Facility
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
Recycling Drop Off
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
E Waste
Farmers Market
Green Or Too Green
Kessler Mountain: Conservation Elements
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Trails & Greenways: The National Perspective
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
Compost Facility
PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Partners For Environmental Sustainability
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
USGBC Low Impact Development In A LEED Neighborhood Development Project
E Waste
FPL In Focus Series: Artist Tony Tiger
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Trash Cart Program
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
8:26 a.m. Clabber Creek Trail Ribbon Cutting
8:40 a.m. FPL: Gathering Of The Groups
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Trash Cart Program
Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
E Waste
PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Recycling Drop Off
USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Economic Development Education Session #2: FEDC
Compost Facility
Farmers Market
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
5:30 p.m. Telecommunications Board-LIVE
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Quorum Court: May 8
E Waste
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
Trash Cart Program
Airport Board: May 14
Green Building Roundtable Discussion
Compost Facility
Recycling Drop Off
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
FRIDAY, May 16
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Green Building Roundtable Discussion
8:06 a.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: The Language of Quilts
9:00 a.m. Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
Recycling Drop Off
Airport Board: May 14
E Waste
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Sidewalks & Trails Task Force: May 14
Compost Facility
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
Trash Cart Program
National Conversation On Climate Action
Farmers Market
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
6:39 p.m. Farmers Market
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Sidewalks & Trails Task Force: May 14
E Waste
Subdivision Committee: May 15
Recycling Drop Off
Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place PZD: May 15
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Bikes, Blues & BBQ: Featuring Music Of The Odds
7:33 a.m. Fayetteville's Unique Televised Forums: How They Work & Who Can Use Them
9:00 a.m. Planning Commission: May 12
Advertising & Promotion Commission: May 12
Energy Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee: May 14
Sidewalks & Trails Task Force: May 14
Subdivision Committee: May 15
Boston Mt. Solid Waste: May 15
5:00 p.m. City Council Agenda: May 13
Compost Facility
Telecommunications Board: May 15
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Water & Sewer Committee: May 13
E Waste
Ward 1 Neighborhood Meeting On The Hill Place PZD: May 15 Airport Board: May 14
Council Of Neighborhoods: May 15
PEG Center Equipment Committee: May 7
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction For Fayetteville Meals On Wheels
Friday, May 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Updated government channel schedule Wednesday through Saturday
May 7-10, 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington / Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. The Dangerous Frontiers of Substance Abuse: A Look At Alcohol & Drug Use Trends
8:01 a.m.. Light Rail Transit System: Breakout Forum Reports and Forum Wrap
8:31 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
8:44 a.m. Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Board of Adjustments: May 5
9:19 a.m. Recycling
9:20 a.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
11:15 a.m. Farmers Market
11:29 a.m. Blair Lib. Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
12:21 p.m. Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
12:27 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
1:27 p.m. Trash Cart Program
1:30 p.m. Economic Development Education Session #2
2:36 p.m. Children's Library This Week
2:44 p.m. COBRA @ FPL: Georgia Alderink
2:56 p.m. Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
2:58 p.m. Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
3:35 p.m. Compost Facility
3:37 p.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
3:47 p.m. E Waste
3:48 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
4:01 pm Recycling Drop Off
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. City View: New Urbanism
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
6:12 pm Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 6
10:32 p.m. Children's Library This Week
10:40 p.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
12:33 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
12:47 a.m. Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous
1:30 a.m. Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
1:31 a.m. City View: Sustainability Initiative
1:41 a.m. Compost Facility
1:42 a.m. E Waste
1:44 a.m. Recycling Drop Off
1:50 a.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
2:50 a.m. Trash Cart Program
2:51 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant
3:02 a.m. Recycling
3:08 a.m. Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
3:13 a.m. Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
5:57 a.m. Washington / Madison County Drug Court
6:58 a.m. Harry & the Potters @ FPL
7:46 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point for a Strong America
8:55 a.m. Waterfall in the City
8:58 a.m. West Mud Creek Urban Forestry
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
11:00 a.m. Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
11:06 a.m. Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novara
12:24 p.m. Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
12:26 p.m. Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
1:48 p.m. Recycling Drop Off
1:50 p.m. Children's Library This Week
1:58 p.m. Trash Cart Program
2:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
2:15 p.m. E Waste
2:16 p.m. City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
2:31 p.m. Compost Facility
2:34 p.m. National Conversation on Climate Action
4:30 p.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
4:41 p.m. Library: Stories under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
5:20 p.m. Recycling
5:25 p.m. Farmers Market
5:39 p.m. Large Scale Wind Power
6:52 p.m. Focus on Fayetteville PSA
7:00 p.m. Quorum Court-LIVE
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Compost Facility
Board of Adjustments: May 5
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight on OMI
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Blair Library .Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture in the Latino Family
E Waste
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Trinity Wind Power Project
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
8:09 a.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Encouraging Public Input In Park Design
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 8
National Conversation On Climate Action E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
Children's Library This Week
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
6:31 p.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Environmental Concerns: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
E Waste
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Economic Development Education Session #3
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: Kierstin Blanchard, Graduate Voice Recital 8:41 a.m. City View: Storm Water
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Trash Cart Program
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Street Committee: May 8
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
4:00 p.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
E Waste
Environmental Concerns: May 8
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
May 7-10, 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington / Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. The Dangerous Frontiers of Substance Abuse: A Look At Alcohol & Drug Use Trends
8:01 a.m.. Light Rail Transit System: Breakout Forum Reports and Forum Wrap
8:31 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
8:44 a.m. Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Board of Adjustments: May 5
9:19 a.m. Recycling
9:20 a.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
11:15 a.m. Farmers Market
11:29 a.m. Blair Lib. Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
12:21 p.m. Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
12:27 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
1:27 p.m. Trash Cart Program
1:30 p.m. Economic Development Education Session #2
2:36 p.m. Children's Library This Week
2:44 p.m. COBRA @ FPL: Georgia Alderink
2:56 p.m. Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
2:58 p.m. Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
3:35 p.m. Compost Facility
3:37 p.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
3:47 p.m. E Waste
3:48 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
4:01 pm Recycling Drop Off
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. City View: New Urbanism
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
6:12 pm Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 6
10:32 p.m. Children's Library This Week
10:40 p.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
12:33 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
12:47 a.m. Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous
1:30 a.m. Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
1:31 a.m. City View: Sustainability Initiative
1:41 a.m. Compost Facility
1:42 a.m. E Waste
1:44 a.m. Recycling Drop Off
1:50 a.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
2:50 a.m. Trash Cart Program
2:51 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant
3:02 a.m. Recycling
3:08 a.m. Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
3:13 a.m. Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
5:57 a.m. Washington / Madison County Drug Court
6:58 a.m. Harry & the Potters @ FPL
7:46 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point for a Strong America
8:55 a.m. Waterfall in the City
8:58 a.m. West Mud Creek Urban Forestry
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
11:00 a.m. Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
11:06 a.m. Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novara
12:24 p.m. Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
12:26 p.m. Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
1:48 p.m. Recycling Drop Off
1:50 p.m. Children's Library This Week
1:58 p.m. Trash Cart Program
2:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
2:15 p.m. E Waste
2:16 p.m. City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
2:31 p.m. Compost Facility
2:34 p.m. National Conversation on Climate Action
4:30 p.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
4:41 p.m. Library: Stories under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
5:20 p.m. Recycling
5:25 p.m. Farmers Market
5:39 p.m. Large Scale Wind Power
6:52 p.m. Focus on Fayetteville PSA
7:00 p.m. Quorum Court-LIVE
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Compost Facility
Board of Adjustments: May 5
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight on OMI
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Blair Library .Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture in the Latino Family
E Waste
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Trinity Wind Power Project
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark in Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
8:09 a.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Encouraging Public Input In Park Design
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 8
National Conversation On Climate Action E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
Children's Library This Week
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
6:31 p.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Environmental Concerns: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
E Waste
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Economic Development Education Session #3
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: Kierstin Blanchard, Graduate Voice Recital 8:41 a.m. City View: Storm Water
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Trash Cart Program
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Street Committee: May 8
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
4:00 p.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
E Waste
Environmental Concerns: May 8
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sunday through Saturday May 4-10 government channel schedule
May 4-10, 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
8:22 a.m. Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion
9:00 a.m. Ward 4 Meeting: April 28
10:30 a.m. Children's Library This Week
Water & Sewer Committee: April 29
Compost Facility
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
4:00 p.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
E Waste
Planning Commission: April 28
Trash Cart Program
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Animals That Need Homes Now!
CAT Board: May 1
Compost Facility
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Children's Library This Week
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
7:40 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
8:50 a.m. AIB Arts Live: BGSO Brings Cheer To Seniors
9:00 a.m. CAT Board: May 1
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Compost Facility
Cinco de Mayo @ Boys' & Girls' Club
E Waste
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Children's Library This Week
National Conversation On Climate Action
Animals That Need Homes Now!
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
6:10 p.m. Animal Services Temperament Testing
6:30 p.m. CAT Board: May 1
E Waste
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Children's Library This Week
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Compost Facility
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Addiction & The Justice System: Deciphering The Maze
8:01 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: University Chamber Procession
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
Children's Library This Week
Library: "A Good Night's Sleep"
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Compost Facility
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
E Waste
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Blair Library: Sustainable Design, The Library & The Future Of Public Architecture
Farmers Market
Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
6:00 p.m. City Council-LIVE
Compost Facility
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Children's Library This Week
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
E. Fay Jones
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Trash Cart Program
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. The Dangerous Frontiers Of Substance Abuse: A Look At Alcohol & Drug Use Trends
8:00 a.m. Light Rail Transit System:Breakout Forum Reports And Forum Wrap
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Farmers Market
Blair Lib.Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
Economic Development Education Session #2
Children's Library This Week
COBRA @ FPL: Georgia Alderink
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Compost Facility
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. City View: New Urbanism
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 6
Children's Library This Week
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous Liaisons
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City View: Sustainability Initiative
Compost Facility
E Waste
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Harry & The Potters @ FPL
7:47 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
National Conversation On Climate Action
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling
Farmers Market
7:00 p.m. Quorum Court-LIVE
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Compost Facility
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Blair Library .Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
E Waste
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Trinity Wind Power Project
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
8:09 a.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Encouraging Public Input In Park Design
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 8
National Conversation On Climate Action E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
Children's Library This Week
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
6:31 p.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Environmental Concerns: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
E Waste
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Economic Development Education Session #3
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: Kierstin Blanchard, Graduate Voice Recital 8:41 a.m. City View: Storm Water
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Trash Cart Program
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Street Committee: May 8
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
4:00 p.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
E Waste
Environmental Concerns: May 8
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
May 4-10, 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
8:22 a.m. Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion
9:00 a.m. Ward 4 Meeting: April 28
10:30 a.m. Children's Library This Week
Water & Sewer Committee: April 29
Compost Facility
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
4:00 p.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
E Waste
Planning Commission: April 28
Trash Cart Program
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Animals That Need Homes Now!
CAT Board: May 1
Compost Facility
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Children's Library This Week
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
7:40 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
8:50 a.m. AIB Arts Live: BGSO Brings Cheer To Seniors
9:00 a.m. CAT Board: May 1
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Compost Facility
Cinco de Mayo @ Boys' & Girls' Club
E Waste
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Children's Library This Week
National Conversation On Climate Action
Animals That Need Homes Now!
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
6:10 p.m. Animal Services Temperament Testing
6:30 p.m. CAT Board: May 1
E Waste
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Children's Library This Week
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Compost Facility
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Addiction & The Justice System: Deciphering The Maze
8:01 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: University Chamber Procession
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
Children's Library This Week
Library: "A Good Night's Sleep"
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Compost Facility
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
E Waste
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Blair Library: Sustainable Design, The Library & The Future Of Public Architecture
Farmers Market
Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
6:00 p.m. City Council-LIVE
Compost Facility
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Children's Library This Week
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
E. Fay Jones
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Trash Cart Program
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. The Dangerous Frontiers Of Substance Abuse: A Look At Alcohol & Drug Use Trends
8:00 a.m. Light Rail Transit System:Breakout Forum Reports And Forum Wrap
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Farmers Market
Blair Lib.Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
Economic Development Education Session #2
Children's Library This Week
COBRA @ FPL: Georgia Alderink
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Compost Facility
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. City View: New Urbanism
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 6
Children's Library This Week
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous Liaisons
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City View: Sustainability Initiative
Compost Facility
E Waste
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Harry & The Potters @ FPL
7:47 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
National Conversation On Climate Action
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling
Farmers Market
7:00 p.m. Quorum Court-LIVE
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Compost Facility
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Blair Library .Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
E Waste
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Trinity Wind Power Project
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
8:09 a.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Encouraging Public Input In Park Design
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 8
National Conversation On Climate Action E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
Children's Library This Week
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
6:31 p.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Environmental Concerns: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
E Waste
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Economic Development Education Session #3
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: Kierstin Blanchard, Graduate Voice Recital 8:41 a.m. City View: Storm Water
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Trash Cart Program
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Street Committee: May 8
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
4:00 p.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
E Waste
Environmental Concerns: May 8
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
May 4-10, 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
8:22 a.m. Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion
9:00 a.m. Ward 4 Meeting: April 28
10:30 a.m. Children's Library This Week
Water & Sewer Committee: April 29
Compost Facility
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
4:00 p.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
E Waste
Planning Commission: April 28
Trash Cart Program
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Animals That Need Homes Now!
CAT Board: May 1
Compost Facility
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Children's Library This Week
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
7:40 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
8:50 a.m. AIB Arts Live: BGSO Brings Cheer To Seniors
9:00 a.m. CAT Board: May 1
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Compost Facility
Cinco de Mayo @ Boys' & Girls' Club
E Waste
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Children's Library This Week
National Conversation On Climate Action
Animals That Need Homes Now!
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
6:10 p.m. Animal Services Temperament Testing
6:30 p.m. CAT Board: May 1
E Waste
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Children's Library This Week
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Compost Facility
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Addiction & The Justice System: Deciphering The Maze
8:01 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: University Chamber Procession
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
Children's Library This Week
Library: "A Good Night's Sleep"
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Compost Facility
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
E Waste
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Blair Library: Sustainable Design, The Library & The Future Of Public Architecture
Farmers Market
Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
6:00 p.m. City Council-LIVE
Compost Facility
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Children's Library This Week
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
E. Fay Jones
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Trash Cart Program
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. The Dangerous Frontiers Of Substance Abuse: A Look At Alcohol & Drug Use Trends
8:00 a.m. Light Rail Transit System:Breakout Forum Reports And Forum Wrap
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Farmers Market
Blair Lib.Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
Economic Development Education Session #2
Children's Library This Week
COBRA @ FPL: Georgia Alderink
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Compost Facility
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. City View: New Urbanism
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 6
Children's Library This Week
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous Liaisons
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City View: Sustainability Initiative
Compost Facility
E Waste
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Harry & The Potters @ FPL
7:47 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
National Conversation On Climate Action
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling
Farmers Market
7:00 p.m. Quorum Court-LIVE
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Compost Facility
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Blair Library .Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
E Waste
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Trinity Wind Power Project
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
8:09 a.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Encouraging Public Input In Park Design
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 8
National Conversation On Climate Action E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
Children's Library This Week
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
6:31 p.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Environmental Concerns: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
E Waste
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Economic Development Education Session #3
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: Kierstin Blanchard, Graduate Voice Recital 8:41 a.m. City View: Storm Water
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Trash Cart Program
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Street Committee: May 8
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
4:00 p.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
E Waste
Environmental Concerns: May 8
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
May 4-10, 2008
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
8:22 a.m. Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion
9:00 a.m. Ward 4 Meeting: April 28
10:30 a.m. Children's Library This Week
Water & Sewer Committee: April 29
Compost Facility
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
4:00 p.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
E Waste
Planning Commission: April 28
Trash Cart Program
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Animals That Need Homes Now!
CAT Board: May 1
Compost Facility
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Children's Library This Week
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett
7:40 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
8:50 a.m. AIB Arts Live: BGSO Brings Cheer To Seniors
9:00 a.m. CAT Board: May 1
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Compost Facility
Cinco de Mayo @ Boys' & Girls' Club
E Waste
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Children's Library This Week
National Conversation On Climate Action
Animals That Need Homes Now!
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
6:10 p.m. Animal Services Temperament Testing
6:30 p.m. CAT Board: May 1
E Waste
Subdivision Committee: May 1
Children's Library This Week
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Compost Facility
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Addiction & The Justice System: Deciphering The Maze
8:01 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: University Chamber Procession
9:00 a.m. City Council Agenda Session: April 29
Children's Library This Week
Library: "A Good Night's Sleep"
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Compost Facility
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
E Waste
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling Drop Off
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Freedom of Information Act Roundtable Discussion Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Blair Library: Sustainable Design, The Library & The Future Of Public Architecture
Farmers Market
Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
6:00 p.m. City Council-LIVE
Compost Facility
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Children's Library This Week
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
E. Fay Jones
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Trash Cart Program
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. The Dangerous Frontiers Of Substance Abuse: A Look At Alcohol & Drug Use Trends
8:00 a.m. Light Rail Transit System:Breakout Forum Reports And Forum Wrap
8:30 a.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
9:00 a.m. Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Farmers Market
Blair Lib.Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
Economic Development Education Session #2
Children's Library This Week
COBRA @ FPL: Georgia Alderink
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Animal Services Volunteer Training: petfinder.com
Compost Facility
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
E Waste
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Recycling Drop Off
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. City View: New Urbanism
6:00 p.m. Animals That Need Homes Now!
Farmers Market
6:30 p.m. City Council: May 6
Children's Library This Week
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Blair Library: Charles Robinson: Dangerous Liaisons
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
City View: Sustainability Initiative
Compost Facility
E Waste
Recycling Drop Off
Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
Trash Cart Program
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Farmers Market
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Harry & The Potters @ FPL
7:47 a.m. USGBC Energy Efficiency: The Starting Point For A Strong America
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animal Shelter Benefit Concert Featuring Novaria
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
National Conversation On Climate Action
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Library: Stories Under the Big Top with Cassandra Barnett Recycling
Farmers Market
7:00 p.m. Quorum Court-LIVE
Trash Cart Program
Children's Library This Week
Compost Facility
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Recycling Drop Off
Farmers Market
Sustainability Spotlight On O.M.I.
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Blair Library .Synergy Series: Paul Castillo: The Cube: Power, Influence & Nurture In The Latino Family
E Waste
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Trinity Wind Power Project
WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Animals That Need Homes Now!
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. Noon @ FPL: How To Grow and Use Culinary Herbs
8:09 a.m. Arkansas Recreation & Parks Association: Encouraging Public Input In Park Design
9:00 a.m. Street Committee: May 8
National Conversation On Climate Action E Waste
City Of Fayetteville Presents Code Rangers
Compost Facility
Children's Library This Week
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Trash Cart Program
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
4:30 p.m. Fire Training Video
5:30 p.m. Library Brown Bag Lunch Discussion: Clean Your Clutter Clear Your Mind
6:31 p.m. Arthur Creator @ FPL Children's Library
7:00 p.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
8:00 p.m. City View
Compost Facility
Environmental Concerns: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Historic District Commission: May 8
E Waste
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Ozark In Bloom Master Gardener Convention Information
Cars, Kids, and Sun: A Deadly Combination
Economic Development Education Session #3
Recycling Drop Off
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Charles Banks Wilson At FPL
1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Message Board
5:00 a.m. Fire Training Video
6:00 a.m. Washington/Madison County Drug Court
7:00 a.m. WSIP: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant Update
7:41 a.m. U of A Music Dept.: Kierstin Blanchard, Graduate Voice Recital 8:41 a.m. City View: Storm Water
9:00 a.m. City Council: May 6
Compost Facility
Ozark Regional Transit: April 30
Board Of Adjustments: May 5
Trash Cart Program
Historic District Commission: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Street Committee: May 8
Children's Library This Week
Westside Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Marc Brown, Arthur Creator, Visits FPL
4:00 p.m. Quorum Court: May 8
Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: May 5
Washington County Meeting On Courthouse Expansion: April 24
E Waste
Environmental Concerns: May 8
U of A Music Dept.: Sunday Showcase Spiritual Perceptions: African American Artists
College Avenue Improvement Project Public Input
Recycling Drop Off
Children's Library This Week
Trash Cart Program
Animals That Need Homes Now!
Library 2nd Tuesday: Unsung Valor: A GI's Story of WWII
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Today's schedule for Government Channel with times close to exact! New effort. Check it out.
Schedule : Saturday, May 3, 2008
Channel : 1 CITY 16
04:59:36 FGC Intro
05:00:00 Fire Training Video
05:58:29 Building Safety PSA
05:58:56 E-WASTE
06:00:02 Drug Court
07:01:05 Westside Waste Water Plant Tour
08:23:21 Sustanbilty Initiatives
08:32:55 Trinity Wind Power
08:50:18 FPL Drop Boxes
08:56:46 Book Bytes: Elle Ternes
09:00:30 Planning Commission 4/28 Part 1
10:48:17 Planning Commission 4/.28 Part 2
11:49:11 E-WASTE
11:51:17 Subdivision Committee 5/1
12:32:43 Recycling
12:38:56 Community Access Television Board 5/1
13:15:39 Trash Carts
13:17:27 Children's Library This Week
13:27:17 Fayetteville ës Unique Issue Forums
14:53:51 Energy Consumption in Multi-Family Housing
16:07:32 Ward 4Meeting 4/28
17:37:07 Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
17:38:59 Water + Sewer Committee Meeting 4-29
18:35:34 Subdivision Committee 5/1
18:53:32 Animal Services
19:09:05 West Side Waste Water Plant Tour
20:31:27 E-WASTE
20:33:33 Fayettevilleís Unique Issue Forums
21:59:13 Recycling Drop Off
22:00:30 Compost Facility
22:02:11 Trash Carts
22:04:05 Children's Library This Week
22:13:49 Energy Consumption In Multi-Family Housing
23:26:30 Trinity Wind Power
23:43:53 WWTP Update
Channel : 1 CITY 16
04:59:36 FGC Intro
05:00:00 Fire Training Video
05:58:29 Building Safety PSA
05:58:56 E-WASTE
06:00:02 Drug Court
07:01:05 Westside Waste Water Plant Tour
08:23:21 Sustanbilty Initiatives
08:32:55 Trinity Wind Power
08:50:18 FPL Drop Boxes
08:56:46 Book Bytes: Elle Ternes
09:00:30 Planning Commission 4/28 Part 1
10:48:17 Planning Commission 4/.28 Part 2
11:49:11 E-WASTE
11:51:17 Subdivision Committee 5/1
12:32:43 Recycling
12:38:56 Community Access Television Board 5/1
13:15:39 Trash Carts
13:17:27 Children's Library This Week
13:27:17 Fayetteville ës Unique Issue Forums
14:53:51 Energy Consumption in Multi-Family Housing
16:07:32 Ward 4Meeting 4/28
17:37:07 Free Bulky Waste Pick Up
17:38:59 Water + Sewer Committee Meeting 4-29
18:35:34 Subdivision Committee 5/1
18:53:32 Animal Services
19:09:05 West Side Waste Water Plant Tour
20:31:27 E-WASTE
20:33:33 Fayettevilleís Unique Issue Forums
21:59:13 Recycling Drop Off
22:00:30 Compost Facility
22:02:11 Trash Carts
22:04:05 Children's Library This Week
22:13:49 Energy Consumption In Multi-Family Housing
23:26:30 Trinity Wind Power
23:43:53 WWTP Update
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