Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Telecommunication Board meeting minutes for January 21, 2010

Telecommunications Board Meeting
January 21, 2010

Chairman Aubrey Shepherd called the meeting to order. Present were Marvin Hilton, Justin Tenant, Don Bosseau and Mike Russell.  Also present were  Jason Kelly Assistant City Attorney and City Communications Director Lindsley Smith.

Mr. Hilton asked that the December minutes be corrected to read that under the CAT Report that he asked had there been any customer complaints and Mr. Hilton stated that he felt that question and the answer from the CAT Board president should be included.  Mr. Tenant move to approve the minutes, Mr. Hilton seconded and the motion passed.

Mr. Tenant moved to approve the agenda, Mr. Bosseau seconded and the agenda was approved.


There was no one from the UA TV to give a report. Mr. Hilton noted that the city was going into the second year without the contract being signed. Hiltons suggested asking another party to operate the educational channel.


There was no one from COX COMMUNICATION present. Hilton asked if there was anything on with the fourth channel. Gisler stated there was no movement on that issue.


There was no one from AT&T present. Gisler gave a brief update on the newly installed equipment.


Government Channel Manager Mr. Gisler gave the report and reported on the  2009 performance numbers.


Sky Blaylock Station Manager gave the report. Blaylock reported on the quarterly performances number.


Shepherd asked for a volunteer to sit on the  policy subcommittee. Hilton reported on the current government channel policy and that the policy needed to be completed. Russell asked what the time frame was for getting the policy finished. Hilton stated that it should be done within 3 meetings. Russell agreed to be on the committee. 

Tennant discussed the Internet Policy Committee. Bosseau agreed to be on the committee Shepherd agreed to attend.

Shepherd stated that both committees’ should meet in February.


A member of the public gave a report on actions of  the Community Access Television Board and the illegality of  the board and the resignation of Manager Sky Blaylock. City Attorney Jason Kelly stated that the CAT is a separate entity and that the city has no authority to intervene in the internal workings of the organization. Kelly stated that if the organization was in breach of the contract that the board could make a recommendation to the council but beyond that the board had no authority to intervene in the internal policies of CAT.

A Special Telecom Board meeting was called for February 3 to allow discussion of the grievances.

Tennant made the motion to adjourn, Russell seconded and the meeting was adjourned.  

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