Monday, January 16, 2012

Jim Bemis, longtime producer on public-access channel and former member of Telecom Board clarifies purpose of his previous comments to that board

If you have questions, please call: 966 7426.
January 16, 2012

Fayetteville City Council Members, Mayor Jordan, and City Staff:
My note here is to correct possible misinterpretations of “Jim Bemis’ complaints”, as mentioned in the proposed Telecommunication Ordinance (Agenda, Jan.17, 2012) 
For the record: 
·       My earlier requests for services or “complaints” have never suggested removal of language in the current Ordinance, as might be implied by the current  letter of submittal for the Resolution. Rather, I have strongly supported strengthening of  the Board and City Council roles in oversight of Fayetteville’s telecommunications infrastructure (see summary request for service  below).
·       The current  Board’s suggested heavy revisions represent a sharp and unwarranted  reversal of the far-sighted provisions of the current (2003) ordinance, which is based on the recommendations of a City Council Adhoc Telecommunications Subcommittee led by then-aldermen Jordan and Marr.
·       Similarly, the Board’s current recommendations contradict those made by the Telecommunications Board in 2009, as reflected in the attached documents. (See 2009 Forum Summary and Brainstorming Session report.)
Given the above, I anticipate that my requests for services will be considered in the context as originally presented (per Bemis initial Request for Service, August 2011):
Requested Board Action:  That the full Board join with the City Staff and City Council in a team effort to inventory  the community’s telecommunications  needs  and jointly update the Board’s Administrative Rules and the Telecommunications Ordinance.  With community-wide input, this team would be equipped to prepare a longer-term telecommunications plan and budget, including a City-government organizational chart to designate the respective responsibilities for Fayetteville’s telecommunications infrastructure.  Similar  joint approaches were  first  suggested by  the Board’s Forum and Brainstorming sessions of 2009 and in the City’s  FayettevilleForward Communications Initiative. (see attachments)
Thank you for your consideration,
Jim Bemis

Reference: A Resolution Approving  Telecommunications  Board Revisions to  Chapter 33: Department Boards, Commissions, and Authorities Ordinance Article IX :  Telecommunications Board. For Council consideration  January 17, 2012.

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