Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Questions to be considered during 7 p.m. meeting of policy committee

Compiled by Marvin Hilton 07.23.08

1. How can the Government Channel do forums without becoming another public access channel?

a. By having the policy state that all programming, including the forums, fall within the definition of a “Limited Public Forum” for example:

Limited Public Forum: Sub-category of a designated public forum that “refers to a type of non-public forum that the government has intentionally opened up to certain groups or to certain topics. It is permissible for governments to impose restrictions that are viewpoint neutral and reasonable in light of the purpose served by the forum.

b. Does the above definition of a “Limited Public Forum” need to be inserted in the introduction of the policy or is the present definition adequate?

2. Who shall decide what topics will be discussed in the “Limited Public Forums”?

a. Ballot issues (requested same as any other topic of government concern)
b. Elected Official requests (one or two?)
c. Twenty registered voters living within the City Limits of Fayetteville may petition for a Limited Public Forum on a Governmental matter that impacts the citizens of Fayetteville. (is twenty the best number?)
d. Shall “c” above apply to all governmental entities with jurisdiction which includes Fayetteville, such the quorum court and the public schools?
e. All approved by the “Fairness” committee.

3. Who shall choose the forum participants?

a. Ad Hoc committee can coordinate the choice of participants
b. Gov Channel staff can coordinate the choice of participants
c. Fairness committee shall approve the participants

4. Shall a Fairness committee be established and with what functions and composition?

5. Shall Section VII.B be changed to read: “Programming of forums produced by outside agencies of declared candidates for any public office and persons advocating any cause, viewpoint or proposed policy of a particular nature will not be eligible for cable casting on the Government Access Channel.”?

6. Section X.A: What shall the archiving policy be?

a. Shall all meetings be archived?
b. If all meetings are not archived, how shall it be determined which to archive?

7. Shall “Cable Administrator” be changed to “Government Channel Manager”?

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